Dreams and Visions by the Sea
September 2024Halmstad
In the residency Dreams and Visions by the Sea, we examine and trace the influence surrealism has on our contemporary moment. What do surrealism’s core ideas imply for contemporary art? What new realities arise today in the desire to challenge and transform society, conventions, and the limitations of the self?
In 2024, the Surrealist Manifesto turns 100 years old. In its footsteps, several revolutionary and liberating movements, such as the queer movement, Afro-surrealism, and ecofeminism, have emerged. A growing interest in examining the interplay between humans, machines, and nature as well as the magical, ritualistic, and occult has also taken root. In collaboration with Mjellby Art Museum, the Nordic countries’ only museum with a focus on surrealism, Art Inside Out is hosting a residency with artists invited for the purpose of examining the legacy of surrealism in Swedish contemporary art. The works, produced within the framework of the residency, will be presented in collaboration with Mjellby Art Museum and in connection with the museum’s autumn 2024 grand re-opening after a comprehensive renovation.
Surrealism emerged after the end of the First World War as a reaction to the suffering the world had experienced. In 1924, French author and poet André Breton published the first surrealist manifesto, Manifeste du Surréalisme. The text became the beginning of an artistic and political coalescence that, through the arts, wanted to break free from ingrained conventions to inspire a better, freer world. By emphasizing the hidden psychological mechanisms that guide our lives and set the focus on the subconscious and the logic of dreams, the Surrealists wanted to change everyday life. They wanted to inspire people to trust their emotions and react to emotional impulses. One of surrealism’s first modes of expression was the written word. In poetry, emotions and desires color the art, and reason is disconnected. Gradually, the idioms of surrealism multiply and artists around the world adopt its thinking; through photographs, painting, and collage, they depict a magical existence where life is constantly reinvented by the boundlessness of imagination–a world where everything can be changed, be transformed, and be twisted into something else and where art creates a reality all its own.
Surrealism calls for new languages, artistic hybrids, critical creativity, and demands that we identify and challenge the boundaries that claim our reality, but the political and aesthetic conventions that surrealism wants to shed and transgress are different now than they were a hundred years ago. The desire to move beyond the limitations of reality, to allow it to explode and expand, is motivated by other forces. It is the gaps that arise between artificial intelligence and human bodies. It is a transformed view of our role in ecological systems where we are no longer the sole conquerors but are tightly interconnected with other species and organisms. It is queer, postcolonial, and anti-racist resistance movements–to name only a few. The development of society has blazed a trail for new forms, methods, and creative spaces where surrealism’s quest through the labyrinths of the subconscious, the crossing of boundaries, and what lies beyond reality is actualized today.
In exploring the relationship between Surrealism and contemporary art, the residency Dreams and visions by the Sea, ask if there threads, themes, motifs, or ideological approaches in the work of artists we have invited that can be traced back to the founding ideas Surrealism? And if so, in what way?
Surrealismen uppstår efter första världskrigets slut som reaktion på det lidande världen genomgått. 1924 ger den franska författaren och poeten André Breton ut det första surrealistiska manifestet, Manifeste du Surréalisme. Texten blir starten på en konstnärlig och politisk gruppering som med konsten vill slå sig fri från invanda konventioner för att framkalla en bättre och friare värld. Genom att lyfta fram de dolda psykiska mekanismer som styr våra liv och lägga fokus på det undermedvetna och på drömmarnas logik vill surrealisterna förändra vardagslivet. De vill få människan att använda sina känslor och agera utefter dem. Ett av surrealismens första uttrycksmedel är det skrivna ordet. I poesin får känslor och begär färga konsten och förnuftet kopplas bort. Gradvis blir surrealismens uttryckssätt fler och konstnärer runt om i världen anammar dess tankar; genom foto, måleri och collage gestaltar de en magisk tillvaro där livet ständigt omprövas av fantasins gränslöshet – en värld där allt kan förändras, förvandlas och vridas om till något annat och där konsten utgör en alldeles egen verklighet.
Surrealismen kallar efter nya språk, konstnärliga hybrider, kritisk kreativitet och kräver att vi identifierar och utmanar de gränser som mutar in vår verklighet. Men de politiska och estetiska konventioner som surrealismen ville avsäga sig och överskrida är andra idag än för hundra år sedan. Önskan om att flytta sig bortom verklighetens begränsningar, att låta den explodera och expandera, motiveras av andra drivkrafter. I de glapp som uppstår mellan artificiell intelligens och mänskliga kroppar. I en förändrad syn på vår roll i ekologiska system där vi inte längre står som ensamma härskare utan är tätt sammankopplade med andra arter och organismer. I queera, post-koloniala och anti-rasistiska motståndsrörelser. För att nämna några. Samhällets utveckling har banat vägen för nya former, metoder och kreativa utrymmen där surrealismens sökande i det omedvetnas labyrinter, det gränsöverskridande och det som ligger bortom verkligheten, aktualiseras idag.
Residence artists
8 September
8 September 12:00 – 16:00
Opening and performance: Dreams and Visions by the Sea
Opening and performance
Mjellby Art Museum, Halmstad
September 21, 2024
15:00 – 17:00
I want to know what love is – repeat karaoke
Mjellby Art Museum, Halmstad
September 28, 2024
12:00 – 16:00
Performance: Cosmos and Vanitas
Mjellby Art Museum, Halmstad
October 19, 2024
13:00 – 18:00
“Where do we go from here?” On the haunting whispers of Afro-surrealism
Conversation, film-screening, performance, music
Mjellby Art Museum, Halmstad
November 2, 2024
13:00 – 16:00
Make sculptures of straw – workshop with Alexander Wireen
Autumn holiday workshop
Mjellby Art Museum, Halmstad
November 16, 2024
14:00 – 15:00
Knife and masonite – sounds by Klara Andersson
Sound performance
Mjellby Art Museum, Halmstad
7 September – 17 November
Dreams and visions by the sea
Ingela Ihrman, Mohammad Ali
Mjellby Art Museum, Halmstad
AIO Journal
The residence’s associated Journal will be released in the Fall.
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