Art Inside Out
Current languageen

Linnea Hansander

In conjunction with the exhibition Dreams and Visions by the Sea at Mjellby Art Museum and different locations in Halmstad, Art Inside Out has invited additional artists and curators to a participate in series of programs exploring the legacy and underlying ideas of surrealism. In artist presentations, performances and participatory works, the artists form dialogues with Mjellby Art Museum in ways that allow for clashes as well as new perspectives and encounters to emerge.

Artist Linnea Hansander works with participatory, spatial installations where she uses e.g. textile scenography, puppet theatre, video and karaoke. She is interested in the dialogue between outer and inner worlds, and the experience of being in fantasy, play or dream.
In her work Hansander explores subjects such as emotions and phenomena related to the passage of time, such as death, sadness, forgetfulness, longing and regret. Hansander likes to work with elements of entertainment and popular cultural intertwined with a dark looming undertone. She often employ methods used to deal with life’s challanges and losses, e.g. parties, television, psychological theories, religion and mythology.

On September 21 at the Mjellby art museum, Linnea Hansander will be the hostess of a two-hour performative karaoke evening with only one song on the menu, available in three different speeds.

Photo: Barthelemy Garcia

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