16/11/2022 18:00 - 20:00, Hallands konstmuseum, Halmstad
Marit Kapla, author (“Osebol”, August prize winner 2019), reads her text “Critical tourist like Mary Wollstonecraft”, accompanied by pianist Anders Teglund. The text was written during a nine-day hike through the Halland landscape between Kungsbacka and Halmstad in the summer of 2021, in connection with Art Inside Out’s residence “Other choreographies, new spaces – based on the concept of critical tourism”.
In the text, Marit Kapla wanders through Halland with heightened sensitivity, just as Mary Wollstonecraft traveled through Scandinavia, including Halland, in 1795. The landscape gives birth to thoughts that are allowed to flow freely in the text:
“The rain is finally easing. Although I am not athletic or even particularly fit, I have managed to jump with a fully packed backpack between tufts surrounded by flowing water. Maybe I’m just tired and lonely, but I’m moved to tears with gratitude. I think of Mary Wollstonecraft who died when she was 38. I think of all the others who have been sick and died. Everyone who has been sick and recovered. Everyone who is still sick. I think of an old school friend whose funeral I attended last summer. It was the heart. My heart still beats, in my chest, in Halland.”
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Klubb rörelse is an unexpected cultural experience, where you can also enjoy food, drinks and relaxed meetings with artistic expressions and experiments. Perhaps dance meets film or music collides with images in imaginative forms? Come to Hallands konstmuseum and experience something other than what you expect. Join Klubb rörelse!
The program series is a collaboration between Culture in Halland – Film, Room for Dance, Literature, Musik Hallandia and Art Inside Out as well as Art in Halland and Hallands konstmuseum.
Photo: Cato Lein, Mikael Göthagen