Art Inside Out
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baucircus is a network of spatial planners, hands-on architects and socially oriented craftspeople running a nomadic workstation around the world. They share a common mission of addressing and implementing participatory projects through the connecting power of crafts.  

When in action, their workshop becomes a circus with on-stage tickets: an invitation for audience to become a thinking- and coproducing part of an open process. Frida and Cle are co-founders of baucircus, both based in Berlin. They will join their forces in handcraft, applied design and architecture.  

For their third visit to Sloalyckan and Falkenberg Frida was joined by the film maker Maria Votti.


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Cora Jongsma

Shift Äskhult

Kristina Müntzing

Skift Äskhult

Simon Poulsgaard

Skapa drömmar - forma platser

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