Art Inside Out
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Ylva Snöfrid

The artist Ylva Snöfrid will host a ritual and performance at Mjellby Art Museum on the 28th of September

In conjunction with the exhibition Dreams and Visions by the Sea at Mjellby Art Museum and different locations in Halmstad, Art Inside Out has invited additional artists and curators to a participate in series of programs exploring the legacy and underlying ideas of surrealism. In artist presentations, performances and participatory works, the artists form dialogues with Mjellby Art Museum in ways that allow for clashes as well as new perspectives and encounters to emerge.

Ylva Snöfrid is based in Stockholm, Sweden. Previously, Ylva lived in what appeared to be the real world, while Snöfrid lived behind the mirrors, in the so-called mirror world, (a world that is often described as less than real). Snöfrid has been there since Ylva’s childhood and acted as her mirror twin. Later she became part of Ylva’s ‘art’ (‘art’ according to what ‘artists’ do).

For many years Ylva brought Snöfrid to the world through rituals and ceremonies, through objects and publications, again and again and again… Until they finally merged into one – Ylva Snöfrid. This happened in 2017, through an 8-hour long ritual, “Ylva and Snöfrid’s Transmutation Ritual with Mirrored Spring, Snöfrid et les contre espaces, the Oracle and Tondo”, in “Retour sur Mulholland Drive”, curated by Nicolas Bourriaud.

Image/drawig: Codex Cosmos et Vanitas, page 1075, Ylva Snöfrid 2023, the drawing has been cropped.

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