Art Inside Out
Current languageen

Katja Pettersson

22 February - 15 March, 2022

The exhibition Extinct by Katja Pettersson was presented in the entrance to the Falkenberg City Hall – a place where politicians and municipal officials pass by every day. The 14 watercolors depicted the 14 extinct species of solitary bees that previously existed in Halland. Each watercolor shows the species specific color and wing shape.

In Halland, large-scale agriculture is carried out and large areas of land are used for one-sided cultivation. The use of pesticides means that solitary bees are harmed by the poisons, and when flowers are cut before flowering, the bees’ access to pollen and nectar disappears. Without bees, no growth of crops and, by extension, no food for humans.

The first watercolor in the photo carousel above shows the colors and the wing of the species Mossbhumla:

“The Swedish name originates from how the bumblebee makes its nest with moss. The moss bumblebee has been dramatically and negatively affected by the modern agricultural landscape and its focus on monoculture. Even on previously species-rich and calcareous meadow land, eutrophication and environmental changes have meant that the moss bumblebee’s availability of pollen and nectar has been greatly reduced.”

The species depicted:

Andrena humilis
Megachile lagopoda
bombus ruderatus
Lasioglossum lativentre
Anthophora plagiata
Andrena fulvago
Nomada baccata
Bombus veteranus
Lasioglossum sexnotatulum
Panurgus banksianus

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