Art Inside Out
Current languageen

Tawanda Appiah

The independent curator Tawanda Appiah has put together a day about afrosurrealism that will take place on the 19th of October.

In conjunction with the exhibition Dreams and Visions by the Sea at Mjellby Art Museum and different locations in Halmstad, Art Inside Out has invited additional artists and curators to a participate in series of programs exploring the legacy and underlying ideas of surrealism. In artist presentations, performances and participatory works, the artists form dialogues with Mjellby Art Museum in ways that allow for clashes as well as new perspectives and encounters to emerge.

Tawanda Appiah is a Zimbabwean curator, writer and researcher based in Malmö, Sweden. His research-centred practice often revisits history to make sense of the contemporary milieu.

He is the curator at Skånes konstförening, alongside his independent practice, and previously held the position of Curator of Education. Public Programming at the National Gallery of Zimbabwe. Appiah has curated several exhibitions, public programmes and interventions including FLIGHT (Malmö
Konsthall, 2023) which featured works by Kudzanai Chiurai, Frida
Orupabo and Eric Magassa.

He was part of the 2024 jury for the Liljevalchs konsthall vårsalong. Appiah sits on various boards including Paletten Art Journal.

Photo: Ikram Abdulkadir

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