Art Inside Out
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Playing for the Microbes in Viskan

23/10/2022 16:00, Byaregårdens brygghus, Varberg

After successful research on bioremediation of the sediment of the river Viskan, Kruno Jošt now invites you to join him for a ride in the canoe that has played a significant role during his time in Varberg. “Playing for the Microbes” is a unique and personal music performance and experience during an intimate canoe trip on the river Viskan.
The canoe departs every quarter of an hour, starting at 10:00 and with the last departure at 13. Every ride only carry one passenger and the artists. When booking a seat in the canoe, attach also the info about what time slot you wish to book – please, notice that your preferred time slot may already be booked by someone else. For booking send an email to
Book your ride: 10:00–10:30 | 10:30–11:00 | 11:00–11:30 | 12:00–12:30 | 12:30–13:00 | 13:00–13:30
Over the past few decades, greater amounts of nitrogen and phosphorus have been applied to the soil, causing plants to rely less on microbes for bioavailable forms of these nutrients. This has led to a reduction of microbial contributions in many agricultural settings, but with rainfall, chemical and agricultural waste waters bring nitrogen and phosphorus to the rivers. With over 100 million microbes per gram of soil, there’s a lot of untapped potential to get more out of what nature has provided, if we can encourage the microbes to work harder.
Kruno jošt is inviting you to join him on his personal and intimate bioremediation effort, where he plays music to the microbes in order to stimulate the growth of their culture at the banks of Viskan river. You are invited to book your private canoe ride of river for 15 minutes and join Kruno Jošt in his artistic attempt to bio-remediate the river.
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