In the Wake of the Waves
August 2025Varberg
The residency In the wake of the waves explores the possibilities and limits of translation as well as its inconsistencies, dissonances and resistance. With the starting point in the World Heritage Grimeton Radio Station we investigate the tumultuous uninterrupted movements of translation that constitutes a complex and fundamental part of human interaction, transnational flows and connections.
In the Wake of the Waves
In the hundred years that have passed since Grimeton established Sweden’s first wireless communication channel across the Atlantic, the flow of information and people has exploded. We live today in a globalized age where exchange is an integral part of our everyday life and the larger geopolitical landscape. But what happens when language, matter and identities are transferred from one context to another? What is gained and what is lost when boundary lines are crossed? In every such transfer, different shifts occur – what we call translations. Various forms of transfers, negotiations and transformations take place here. In the residency In the wake of the waves we approach translation as a coherent but multifaceted field that opens up relationships between different forms of life and conditions as well as winding ramifications into new contexts characterized by plurality and creolization.
Beneath Grimeton’s seemingly tranquil surface hides a long-life bursting with movement – not least all the stories that have traveled via the station’s long-distance waves. They form a bridge between the past, present and future. Grimeton becomes thus a vital springboard for excavations of historical and contemporary events that open up philosophical and existential reflections. About geopolitics, everyday life and everything in between.
The residency In the wake of the waves explores the possibilities and limits of translation as well as its inconsistencies, dissonances and resistance.
Residence artists
AIO Journal
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