Art Inside Out
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Performance: Cosmos and Vanitas

28/09/2024 12:00 - 16:00, Mjellby Art Museum, Halmstad

Welcome to a drawing and serving ritual with Ylva Snöfrid. Between atmosphere and mass. Between the spiritual and the physical. In dialogue with Thea Ekström.

Ylva Snöfrid invites you to drink tea on two of her paintings. Together with the viewer, she creates a meeting through the artwork, between the physical and the spiritual, where Snöfrid simultaneously draws diary drawings in the space that arises between the atmospheric and mass.

It is possible to come and go during the afternoon and it is possible to witness the ritual from a distance.

Objects such as wisdom teeth, seashells, stones, a crystal sphere, a golden spiral, tea, glasses, glass pots, candles, pencil sharpener, eraser, pencils, paper and more are used in the ritual.

Point of View

In relation to the Spiritual World: art is kind of physical world of the spiritual.

In relation to the physical World: art is kind of spiritual world of the physical. Starting from the earth, it is the first millimeter of air over it (of sky, that is, for the sly begins right from the earth, or else there is no sky at all. Check this by distances, which clarify phenomena.)

Starting from the top of the sky, it is that same first millimeter above the earth, but the last when sen from the top; that is, it is almost earth from there, and from the very top it is entirely earth.”

Citat från: “Where you look from”, Art in the light of conscience – Eight Essays on Poetry, av Marina Tsvetaeva


In conjunction with the exhibition Dreams and Visions by the Sea at Mjellby Art Museum and different locations in Halmstad, Art Inside Out has invited additional artists and curators to a participate in series of programs exploring the legacy and underlying ideas of surrealism. In artist presentations, performances and participatory works, the artists form dialogues with Mjellby Art Museum in ways that allow for clashes as well as new perspectives and encounters to emerge

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