Klára Petra Szabó & Tamás Szvet
The Hungarian artist duo Klára Petra Szabó and Tamás Szvet use animation, performance and textile material in their artistic investigations. In their joint work, they engage in a form of “silent storytelling” through which they investigate questions that revolve around social togetherness.
Szabó is interested in the human body as a social phenomenon which determines identity, status and cultural belonging. She combines watercolor with modern technology with the aim of exploring new ways of digitizing analogue techniques.
Szvet holds a PhD in Liberal Arts at the Hungarian University of Fine Arts. In his own research, he starts from the relationship between art and science, a starting point from which he examines the human ability of perception.
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Störningar i utopin, kvarglömda platser (2021); Den allmänna designbyrån (2023) - Falkenbergs kommun