Art Inside Out
Current languageen

Artistic competence in site- and rural- development

15/05/2025 08:30 - 09:30 On-line

In the working community Karmansbo, in 2024, new forms of cooperation for a designed living environment were tested, while a poet in Frövifors contributed with artistic perspectives to new industrialization. These initiatives are part of Cultural power fields in rural areas (2023–2025), a project run by Region Örebro County and Region Västmanland, with support from the Culture Council. Anna
Wignell, Jenny Berntsson and other officials share their experiences and talk about the initiative’s further development.


In the conversation series Designed Living Environments for Breakfast we meet architects, artists, cilvil servants, politicians and researchers to get a unique insight into new strategies and working methods on how different aspects of designed living environment can impact and contribute to improve conditions in our society. The webinars are held once a month during spring and fall and take place on Thursdays between 08.30-09.30. You connect through the digital plattform Teams with a link posted in calendar events in connection with the events, no pre-registration is requested.


The conversation series is organized in a collaboration between Region Uppsala, Region Halland, Region Blekinge, Region Jämtland Härjedalen and Region Västmanland.

More information

When: May 15, 08:30 – 09:30 hr

Where: On-line


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