Art Inside Out
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Slöinge festival

12:00 - 18:00, Slöingeskolan, Falkenberg

“Everything starts with a dream. A dream and a belief in children’s abilities. Every child can if only given the chance to show it. It is possible to create a festival in only three weeks with the help of about 170 creative hands, dreams and imagination beyond that ordinary.

Over the course of three weeks, we have spent more than 10,000 hours together on a common goal, the Slöinge festival 2017. And in 10,000 hours you become a professional, that has long been known.”

One day in October, Slöingeskolan’s schoolyard is filled with colorful, inventive and curious design. On the wall of the sports hall it is declared that there is a festival going on. It’s the finale for the design residency Make dreams – shape places.


Slöinge festival ends Samir Alj Fält’s and Emma Andersson’s residency in Slöinge. All students from pre-school to sixth grade have been involved in the process and planning, with everything from producing music to designing an intricate ice cream machine

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